There is something calming about being at the Red Key, even if there’s only two other parties hanging out at 10:45pm. It feels warm (emotionally that is, the A.C. is on full blast). This is the type of place I want to take friends both new and old. The type of place that both heals emotional wounds and makes them hurt more.

Sitting at the bar and talking to the bartender and patrons— like hearing the same story about a road trip from your dad’s childhood that you’ve heard every holiday for the past twenty years. But it’s welcome. You know what ‘s coming but you’re excited for the newbies to experience it.
My preferred order? A classic martini with a twist, followed by a High Life. And if you get there early enough for dinner, order a cheeseburger. You won’t be disappointed.
Visit the Red Key:
5170 N College Ave
They close at midnight daily.